How Do You Make Your Living?

by Jay Delaney

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One of my favorite lyricists is Bruce Springsteen.  And one of my favorite songs by him is “Devils & Dust” where he asks the question, “What if what you do to survive kills the things you love?”  When it comes to careers and work, I wonder how many people choose to forego their values, their passion, and what they love in order to just survive?  How often do we take what we perceive to be the secure, practical path in our careers in order to play it safe and minimize our risk, turning our backs on what really excites us?

Whatever you care about doesn’t belong on the back of your shelf or in your closet hidden away from the world.  It doesn’t deserve to be compartmentalized.  It deserves the best of you.

The 40 hours or more each week that you devote to making a living is an opportunity for you.  The more aligned your work can be with your values, your passions, your loves, the more likely you are to be truly giving what you have to offer.  Aligning your work doesn’t necessarily mean you have to quit what you’re doing now.  Is there a way to bring more of your love and passion to your existing work?  Is there a way to express more of your creativity in your existing work?

Ideally, you’ll be making a living that either:

  1. Allows you to do something you love on a regular basis OR
  2. Provides the resources (time, money, etc.) to be able to do what you love on the side. (This can be pursuing your passions, contributing your talent to the world, providing for your family, etc. – whatever it is that you love and value.)

If neither of these are present, then maybe it’s time to think about making a change.  Are you killing the things you love in order to survive?  If so, there has to be a better way.

*About the photo above: This is Chicago.  I took this picture from the top of the Sears Tower.

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